The Fraud Bureau is a regulatory body created in order to regulate consumer financial markets, responsible providers, and the economy as a whole. We protect and shield consumers from unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices and take action against companies that violate the law. We equip individuals with all the information, measures, and tools which they need to make intelligent financial decisions and avoid financial fraud.
In a market which operates fairly; the costs, risks, and details of any deal are clear and upfront so that consumers can fully understand their alternatives and weigh up the risks versus returns. To accomplish this vision, the Fraud Bureau works to:

We provide in depth information on a wide range of topics, answer common questions, and supply tips that assist consumerswith their financial options and work out a strategy that best suits their needs.

We take immediate action against predatory businesses and practices which violate regulations and in the process of doing so, we have already returned tens of thousands of dollars to consumers.

We encourage financial education and capability from childhood through to retirement, by publishing research, and educate financial companies about their responsibilities.